Sunday, December 13, 2009

Having fun with lighting

Lincoln needed some test subjects for testing linc's lights and as always London and I are the only ones that will sit still long enough for linc to mess around. The picture of London is him to a T. He is such a little stink.

Anyway I have been a terrible blogger lately. Christmas time always gets us busy. Liam broke his leg thursday. Such a sad thing. He has a very festive green cast for the holidays. lol. He was playing on the couch and fell off and fractured his fibula in his left let. The doctor said it was a very unusual break. Liam on the other hand has been handling it really well. The only thing is he wants to take the cast off, he will tug at it and say "guck, guck" which mean stuck. It is so very cute. The break has not slowed him down one tiny little bit. He is still just as wild and crazy as ever. It is the cutest thing in the world seeing him hobbling around with his cast and listening to his tiny little feet and cast hitting the floor. lol. We have been calling him are tiny tim.

I will post some pictures of Tiny Tim shortly. Well as soon as linc is done with them. lol.


Mindy said...

Gorgeous pictures! As always. :) Sorry the little one broke his leg. So sad. :(

kathy said...

Great pictures! You look a lot like Hayley with your hair lighter. Poor little Liam! I guess that's what having boys is all about. Jeremy broke his arm once and his finger once. Josh broke his arm twice. And Jason, the Wild One? NEVER a broken bone! Go figure!

Katie Petersen said...

I LOVE that picture of you, you look GORGEOUS! I hope Liam gets feeling better, poor little man. Hope you guys have a great Christmas!

Candice said...

Liam broke his leg?!!! That is so crazy! Your pictures look awesome, as usual. We need to get together soon. Give Liam a kiss for me!

Janae Moss said...

Beautiful picture of a beautiful girl!