My little Princess was blessed this past sunday. It was an amazing blessing and she is an amazing blessing in our families life. I can't even express how much I love this girl, there are no words to describe it. My very talented grandma made her dress. I couldn't have been more happy with the way it turned out. I am going to cherish it forever and I am sure Bella will too. I tried to find Bella a bow but I was not willing to pay $30 for a good one, so I decided to make one. I ran around the house and just found odds and ends of what i already and and came up with what she is wearing. I was worried it was a little big but she grew into it. lol.
I just want to express to my grandma how much I appreciate all the work she put into the dress for me and how much I truly love it. Also thank you to everyone who came and celebrated this day with us. We appreciate you all
I am so happy to announce the birth of my first baby girl. I know she is already a month old and this post is over due but all I do is hold her and I never take the time to do anything else. (infact she is sitting on my lap as I type) She weighed 7lbs 11 oz and was 19.25 in long. She has brought so much joy into my life. I am so grateful for her everyday. Her big brothers love her just as much!
Bella's birth story- I went into the doctor for a regular appt. and the doctor stripped my membranes and told me he hoped I would go into labor that night but to me that was far off becuase I have had my membranes striped with every baby and nothing has ever happened. When I got home within 2 hours I started contracting, nothing to regular but for sure a lot, by 5 pm they turned in to every 8 min, by 8pm they were every 5 min. We decided to go to the hospital at 1 am and sure enough I was in labor. At 4 am they asked to give me the epidural and I decided to wait a bit on it so by 8am I had it and 4 hours later Bella was born. When I was at a 10 they asked how long it takes me to push my babies out and I told them about 2 hours so when I only pushed through 3 contractions and she was born I was in shock. I guess after her big brothers she just slid right out. lol. It was the easiest delievery I have had. She was perfect in everyway, the first thing I did of course was checked to make sure I didn't see a weiner. lol.
I can't wait for all the fun Bella and I are going to have together.
We went up to my mom's yesterday and she threw London a Pirate party for his Birthday. He went on a treasure hunt, had a pinata, play a few games, had a picnic and ate cake (never go to harmon's for a birthday cake. lol. It was sick and I paid 22 bucks for it. yuck) Anyway, the boys had such a great time. Thanks mom for all you did for London. He loved it!
My boys are getting so big I can hardly stand it. Logan is now in the 2nd grade and is still in the chinese program and doing amazing. He is such a great kid and is enjoying school so much. London just started his 2 year in the preschool and couldn't be happier. lol. His birthday falls a month after the dead line so he is going to be the oldest in class and he loves that idea. All I have heard about all summer is when his school was going to start. He loves it. I have to admit that I love it too. Gives Liam and I time to spend together and when Bella gets here it will give me a chance with her alone as well. Liam is getting so big and becoming a great talker. I love listening to him. The top pic I just had to add becuase he kept going down the twisty slide backwards and half way through the slide would flip around. Linc and I laughed so hard every time he did it. He cracks me up. These boys are my everything.
I am finally finished with Bella's room. I am so excited with how it has turned out. I tried doing her room as cheaply as I could and I think I pulled it off. To start off the first pick is of the car seat cover I made for her. I'm trying to girl up all my old stuff. lol. The next picture is of the pettiskirt I made for Bella, I had so much fun making it. I also made the flower. The pillows on either side of the skirt I made. I ordered an extra yard of fabric from the company I ordered her bedding from becuase I had a few ideas for it and the pillows were on of the ideas. I went to hobby Lobby and found the perfect poka dot fabric.
I have been making bracletts like crazy. They are so much fun to make. Lincoln keeps teasing me saying that they better be disposable becuase she has so many.
Here is a tutu I have made for her as well, I have made 4 of them already. lol. again they are so much fun to make. The picture frame next to it I had and just sprayed it black and used some of the fabric to put inside just to add a little something to it.
I have been making a ton of binki holders as well. Again they are so much to make. and it's better then spending $20 on each one.
The top few pictures are of her hair bow holder that I am going to hang behind to door. I have made most of those as well. Another good way to saving a ton of money. The picture with the shelf, that hangs above her changing table (linc didn't take a pic of?) The frames were old and I just sprayed them black as well and most of the decor on top.
I took some leftover fabric and recovered a boppy so that it would match her room and the chandelier is from a garage sell, my mom found. the stairs leading up to the bed are old as well I just painted them and mod podged the fabric on it and painted the trim black to match.
This frame I did the same thing I did to the stairs. (they both used to be sage with animals on them). The lamp shade I made to match as well. Boy and I glad I ordered a extra yard. I looked forever to find the perfect lamp and found a few that I thought would work my they were $75 and I was not about to spend that much to I just made one myself. I found an old lamp base in the shed and sprayed it black and then just put the fabric around and bought some trim.
The rocking chair in the room used to be sage green as well so I recovered that in black to match.
I have had so much fun doing this room for her. Gave me something to do to make this time go a little faster. I just can't wait to layer in her bed. =) The boys love her room. Liam keeps going in there and saying "cute" London loves going in there and telling me how much Bella is going to love it. These boys already love her so much. I hope she knows how much we love her already and can't wait to have her join our family. and trust me I am far from done on crafting for her. Making girl things is a blast.
(okay now since I am so not good with a computer I know the writting and pictures are not adding up and I can'[t figure out how to fix it. lol. )
Well we finally went and took some pictures of the boys. Let me tell you, it was a pain in the butt. Liam was the biggest pain of all. he was running all over the place. But i think it went okay and we got a few.
We love living right across the street from Taylorsville dayzz. Every year we just walk across and enjoy the crazy cool fireworks. We always have the best time. This year our friends The Stewart's came with us. All the kids get a long so well, well I guess with the exeption of Cameron and Liam. lol. Cameron likes to playfully hit liam and liam doesn't like it at all. It is quit funny until liam is screaming and driving everyone nuts.
It's a little late but I thought I would post about Liam's 2nd Birthday. I can hardly believe my little guy is already 2. He has been my little cuddle buddy. For his birthday I decided I just wanted to keep it simple. So we took him to the zoo. He loved it. He is so in love with animals. Any time we even see a dog he has to go over and hug the dog. It is so freaking cute. I think all the boys had a great time. Afterward we came home and had some of LIam's buzz and woody cakes. He was freaking out about them being buzz and woody. Toy Story is his favorite. I can't wait to take him to toy story this weekend. :)
Liam you have been such a joy in my life. I can't imagine one day with out you. Thank you for everything you are to me and making me smile everyday.