Thursday, November 6, 2008

Called to Serve

My stepmom and Dad. She did a really good job letting Chase go until we left the MTC which I thought was so brave. It was so hard watching Chase walk away. He was the very first one to walk out of the room we really took the advice of pulling that bandaid off the quicker the better for all of us. If any one would like to write him his new address is ELder Chase Kim Peterson

MTC mailbox # 275
CA-SJO 1125
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, Ut. 84604-1793

Well it is official my baby brother is now Elder Chase Kim Peterson. We went to the MTC yesterday to drop him off which as a different experience for sure. It was a lot harder for me then I thought it would be. All I keep thinking was how much I was going to miss Chase and also the fact that I am going to have to do that Three times in a row. Ahhhh. i will be a mess. I am so proud of Chase and am so grateful for his great example to my boys who look up to him so much.I love Chase so much and will think of him everyday. (Pretty sexy dude huh. Don't worry ladies he will he home in Two years.)lol

Me and my sister Brooke saying goodbye. Doesn't she look so cute prego. especially since it is my Niece I can't wait to have a girl in the family.

My stepmom saying goodbye.

Logan and Uncle Chase.

London and Uncle Chase. My boys knew what was going on the whole time and while we were in the mtc a watching the called to serve vidoe London just keep laying his head on Chases shoulder. They are going to miss Chase so much.

The Family (minus one)

And there he is. He slept through the whole thing. It was so sweet though as chase was leaving to go out the door he couldn't resist to give Liam a kiss on his way out and I broke down in tears. He is such a great Uncle and the boys will miss him so much of course Liam will be at a perfect age when he gets home.


Jesse and Brooke Ward said...

Yeah it is really hard! I think I cried from your house to about Brigham City! Jesse keep being like 'how are you doing' and then I would break down again. It sucks, all I want to do is call him and see how he is doing. It is hard when they are right there easy to get a hold of to not being able to talk with him. Oh well I'm just so excited to hear from him!! Tell Linc thanks for taking all those photos to remember yesterday! I appreciate it so much!!

jhjonze said...

I'm so sorry! I mean it is a good thing they are doing, but how hard. I remember when Josh left and I was sure I was going to die! My first brother will be getting his call soon and I'm sure I will be an absolute wreck when he goes. Especially since he will be gone for when my baby is born. Anyway, just remember how important what they are doing is!

kathy said...

I remember it well! And sending your baby boys off is even harder than sending brothers. And unfortunately, it doesn't get any easier after the first one. I was a mess with all three of my kids. Josh was really hard because he was my youngest, and because he went to the MTC in Brazil we just dropped him off at the airport and walked away. I felt like the worst mom! I was sure he'd never find his way to Brazil! But he did, and it was a good experience for each of them. Your brother is being a great example for your kids.

Doug and Brandy said...

K, so I was looking at your cute post and I realized that I know your sister Brooke! I think she went to high school with me!!! Did she ever live in Blackfoot? Your stepmom even looks familiar!!! Is Brooke married? Crazy huh!!

Jason and Noelle Jones said...

That is sad, I can't believe he is already on a mission. It seems like he is too young for some reason. I am excited about the surprise!!!!

Stacie said...

That would be so hard to watch your brother leave.. but it's a great thing he's doing! On a lighter note I saw Noelle and her hubby and lil guy at Jeanna and Ryan's ward when they blessed their lil guy Nixon. I hadn't seen her so long and had no idea she had baby. Cute lil dude!

Nicholas and Brittani said...

That is so neat that Chase decided to go on a mission. It is such a big decision and commitment. That is really something to be proud of! I went to the MTC with a boyfriend once and thought that I would die-LOL! I am sure it is different with a little brother. Cute pictures though. He will be so happy that you took them.

Jenn said...

Hey BreAna!! I found you through your sis Noelle. I was very excited to find you...I hope you don't mind. I just love your family and can't get enough!jk. Your boys are adorable!! Love seeing their pictures.