Thursday, January 1, 2009

Introducing Reese Brooklyn to the world

My sister Brooke finally had her baby girl Jan. 30. She weighed in at a healthy 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 1/2 in. The is so Beautiful. i am so in love with her. Now I just need to talk Lincoln into helping me make a little girl cousin for her to play with. lol.

Congrats Brooke and Jesse. i love you so much and am so grateful to have you as my sister.


Jason and Noelle Jones said...

She is really cute! that is exciting. I can't wait to have mine now

Krista said...

What a precious baby girl. You're definitely deserving of a little girl and you'll get her some day! At least that's what I keep telling myself. Your boys look so darling on Christmas morning. I am so impressed by Logan! I can't get over how cute your boys are. I am totally loving London's hair. It is so dark and thick! Call me when you're in Logan.

kristinandhallee said...

i need to get up there and hold that little baby girl!!! she is so freaking cute!!!