Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Brotherly Love

My boys

Logan is the best big brother. He loves liam so much and
is such as great helper to me. He cleans when he is asked
and is always willing to do whatever he needs to for Liam.
I am so lucky to have such a sweet boy.

London also loves his baby brother. He has the funniest
baby talk that he does when talking to Liam. London
has never had and jealousy issues with Liam so it has
been so nice. As far as London and the whole clean thing
that is still a lost cause for now. hehe
Liam is his cute little jammies. I love him
in hats.


Ben and Taryn said...

Oh how sweet! Those boys sure are cute! I'm so glad the transition was easy for you and those boys all love each other!

kathy said...

Your boys are so dang cute! I love hearing all the funny stuff they do from Noelle and Jason, so I hope you don't mind if I watch them on your blog now. I loved having 3 boys because I was always the only princess in the house. And you look great!

Camille and Paul said...

Another beautiful boy to add to the bunch! You two certainly know how to make em'! :) I am so excited to meet him. The picture of the two of you at the top it absolutely beautiful!