Friday, July 18, 2008

Catching up with old friends and making some new ones

Today we went over to my friend Krista's house whom I haven't
seen in years. We both had our babies one day apart
(Krew and Liam) and couldn't wait to get them together.
They looked so cute together. They are both such big boys. They are now six weeks old and both weight over 12 pounds.

The other boys played so well together. Krista's little boy Trey is such a cutie and Logan and London had the best time playing with him. The moment that we left all I keep hearing is "when can we go back and play with Trey again." It was so fun to see Krista again and meet her darling little boys. Thanks Krista for the great day.


Nick and Leila said...

How fun! I love the pictures of all of you. We all need to get together, I miss you guys!

Krista said...

That was so much fun. I'm so glad we could get together. Let's do it again soon. Trey couldn't stop talking about Logan and London as well.

Stacie said...

Bre thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.. I am so thankful for them to keep in touch with everyone and to see how everyones families are growing. You have DARLING boys and congrats on your third.. You must be busy :)

Cassie said...

Bre, thanks for the memory post! It is funny because I remember that too! I also remember us playing gymnastics in my back yard and that you were a big fan and had a ton of Vince Gill stuff because your mom knew him or something like that! Anyway I simply adore you and am so happy to keep up to date on your life. Looks like you and Krista had a blast! I wish I could have been there with little Emmett. Next time I'm in Taylorsville I'll look you up!