Thursday, July 10, 2008

Weekend fun

I am so slow at putting things up but with the new baby everything moves a bit slower these days. For the Fourth of July weekend we headed up to Logan to see my families. We had such a good time we went up to my moms first (yaya's) and had a bbq and played in the water and then we headed over to the cruise in to meet up with my dad and all my extended family. I love to see my family the are a crazy bunch of people and I love them. The boys of course spent the night with their grandpi. The next day we headed up to meet up with Lincoln's sister Heidi so she could meet Liam for the first time ( she lives in colorado) We took the kids to Wall.e which is a darling movie. I am just so grateful to have such great families.


Kara said...

OK, so that picture of you with your new baby and your gorgeous eyelashes is stunning! Your husband does great work! (both with the photos, and making cute babies) :) Take care!

Blog said...

3 boys in 6 years, wow! You've got your hands full!

Krista said...

Looks like a fun weekend. I haven't spent the 4th in Logan for so long. I now associate the cruise in with high school!! Let's get together next week. If you want to venture to my house you're welcome or since I have one less kid I could make it to yours. I'll give you a call on Mon.

Mindy said...

I just love looking at all of your pictures! Your boys are soooo stinkin' cute!!!